Ultimate SEO Guide in 2023  - Digital Ratha
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Ultimate SEO Guide in 2023

Ultimate SEO Guide in 2023 

What do you do when you are looking for product information? Looking for a guide to finding a layer or doctor? When you have some issues with your car or motorcycle? 

I’m sure like millions of users you are also asking Google.  

As per a survey, 61% of marketers believe that SEO is an essential part. It delivers traffic, sales, authority, and leads. 

If it’s SEO optimized then only you will get those benifits. If not then it doesn’t exist in this modern era. That’s the harsh truth.  

In this ultimate SEO guide, we will learn what is SEO and what’s the benefits of SEO, and how you will rank your web page on the search engine result page. 

Before we get into this let me share something with you. 

There are millions of resources (such as e-books, videos, and blogs) available on Google. After checking out those resources on Google majority of the viewers get confused. 

I can assure you that this blog isn’t like that. 

Here we will break the SEO into various parts so you can easily understand the concept and how it works. 

We will share various tips and strategies. You can use these ideas to optimize your website. 

Let’s get started. 

What is SEO? 

SEO is also known as search engine optimization. SEO means optimizing your website to increase its visibility. As a result, your website will appear on the first page of the search engine result page, drive more traffic to your website, and increase the chances of conversion as well as more revenue. 

Put in a simple way SEO is a strategy, when a user searching a relevant product on Google then your web page will appear top of the search results. 

Are you looking for a way to improve the SEO and rank your website? There are serval ways and we will learn later on this blog. 

Pillars of SEO

SEO Pillars

SEO Pillars

On-Page SEO 

Optimize your website content, code, and other part of the website which is under your control. 

Off-Page SEO 

Making strategies to promote your web page on various digital mediums. It also helps to build inbound links, trust, and authority on your website. 

How Does SEO Work? 

How Does SEO Work?

When users have some queries they will search on the search engine to find the answer. Google algorithm or you can say crawler is a Google AI program that looks for relevant content and reviews on different sites to provide the best answer to its users. Here are a few factors of SEO. 


When users search for something, Google will send crawlers also known as AI robots to find the relevant answers. The purpose of these crawlers is to check the content on the web pages and find new web pages that exist in Google. 

A search engine crawler follows the links and discovers new web pages. What we want to say is when a spider crawls your homepage it can discover all the new blog posts linked to your homepage.  


Indexing is a process by the search engine to store valuable content in the Google Central database. If a crawler finds a piece of content worthy of the search engine then it will be added to the index. 

Google stored these content or web pages in the database cause later crawlers can retrieve the information. 

If a page provides unique and accurate information then it will be stored in the index page. Here are a few things that need to consider if you want your webpage to be stored on the index page.  

Ranking System 

When the crawling and indexing steps are over then only your website will rank on the SERP. Search engines use hundreds or more ways to rank a web page on the search engine result page. 

Why SEO is Essential? 

Why SEO is Essential?

Within the past couple of years, customer behavior is changing drastically. If you are staying up to date with the SEO trends that means your strategies are matching new customers buying intent. Here are a few reasons why SEO is essential. 


When a user looking for some insights on a product or service relevant to yours. the user will select the first few web pages on the SERP. SEO can help you improve your web page visibility and ranking. 

Drive More Traffic 

When your web page visibility is increased your web traffic will also increase cause when your site appears at the top of the search results viewers most likely click on your website. 

Better User Experience  

SEO also includes your webpage structure and its content which makes it easier for users to find the information they are looking for. The better user experience a user has while visiting your site the more reward you will get. 

Cost Effective 

It is the best way to increase your website traffic without paying a single penny.  

What are the Ranking Factors in Google? 

The search engine has a single goal to provide the best result to its users. 

Whenever a user searches for something on Google, the crawler finds the relevant pages and which has the most authority. Then rank them on the top of the search engine result page. 

Have you ever thought about how it finds relevant information? 

Honestly, nobody knows how exactly the algorithm works cause Google keeps it a secret. Over time marketers find out that SEO is one of the factors in ranking your web page.  

If you follow the E-A-T fame work in SEO that can help improve your site’s authoritativeness and trustworthiness. This method isn’t directly involved in ranking factors but it will improve the SEO content which can affect your ranking factors. 

If you optimize your website properly, input keywords on images, and add more internal linking can help you improve your website ranking. 

Now that you know SEO and how it ranks on the SERP. Let’s dig into a little dipper. 

Three Core Components of the SEO  

Technical Setup 

For your website to rank on the SERP three things must happen. 

It might sound simple and easy. 

Let me tell you a secret, as a person you might see a website as visuals and different pages but for Google, it’s just texts. 

Here is an example, recently we wrote a blog on recent Google updates click here to check the blog. 

We carefully designed and structured the blog post still Google sees it as texts and links on the blog post. 

The search engine can’t recognize the image and if it doesn’t contain a keyword that you want to rank your website, it would be visible to the crawler. 

That’s why we use on-site SEO to ensure that the crawler can easily scan your web pages and add them to the index. Here are a few tips. 

Lengthy URLs can make it harder for the crawler to crawl through the URL and add to the index. Make sure to keep your URL short and simple so the crawler can easily understand and analyze your site. 

Your website also affects your website ranking and various things can affect your website speed.   

A dead or broken link can send a user to a page that does not exist or is deleted. That leads to poor user experience and prevents the crawler to add an index. That’s why make sure that all the links you provided has existed. 

Sitemap and robot.text are simple files that contain all the URLs of your website. These files help google to identify the webpage content and crawl through the URL links.   

Avoid posting similar or duplicate content on your website. It confuses the search engine and they will never display these pages. 


Every time a user searching something on Google they are looking for a piece of content or information.  

In the search result user might find various formats of content such as video, blog posts, images, web page content, and business lists. 

You might hear a popular line, content is king. On the internet almost everything is content. When a user looking for a piece of information that is also content. 

To evaluate a page and rank it on the SERP, google use content to determine the page position. 

Whenever we talk about SEO and content we should miss the key element “keyword”. 

Keyword Research 

It is the key element of SEO, without this feature google can’t find your page. 

If your web pages are optimized properly then Google crawler can find relevant keywords and blogs and then display them in the search results.
There are various ways to conduct keyword research either you can use tools to find keywords or just use Google search to find keywords. 

Previously we wrote a complete keyword research guide you can check that out to find more details information. 
The next step will be web page optimization. This process is called on-page SEO.  


When someone searches for something on Google the search engine finds pages that are relevant as well as popular among users.  

Previously we discussed technical setup and content. These arts are focused on relevancy. 

Link building helps you increase the popularity of the web page. 

SEO strategy 

Planning to create a effective SEO strategy then here are a few things you need to consider. 

On-Page SEO 

On-page SEO means applying various strategies on your website to rank on the SERP. Here are a few strategies and tips you can implement while doing on-page SEO. 


Keywords are an essential part of SEO. Specific words or phrases are used in a blog or other piece of content to reach a targeted audience and drive traffic to your website.     

Finding the right keywords which relevant to your brand and services is a crucial part of SEO. Here are a few tips to understand and start your keyword research. 

Understand Search Intent 

Understanding keyword search intention means understanding the purpose or intention behind a search query on the search engine. It’s a crucial part of SEO and allows content creators and blog writers to create content that is aligned with the search intent, as well as provides valuable and relevant information to satisfy the user’s needs. 

Google Suggestion 

Google Suggestion is a powerful tool offered by the search engine to find more relevant short-tail and long-tail keywords. These suggestions are generated on various factors such as user search patterns, popular queries, and many more.  

It is the more efficient and effective way to understand the user’s intention and find relevant keywords. 


Competitor analysis 

In search engines, competitor analysis plays a crucial role. It involves the systematic approach and analysis of competitors to create a strategy and tactics to gain insights and leverage them for improving one’s own SEO efforts.  


Everyone knows that Google loves websites that publish high-quality content. The search engine’s first priority is to provide quality and accurate information to its users.    

When it comes to content for SEO (Search Engine Optimization), quality and relevance are key. Well-crafted, informative, and engaging content can significantly enhance your website’s visibility and rankings in search engine results. 

It’s crucial to create content that not only appeals to your target audience but also aligns with search engines’ algorithms. Effective SEO content incorporates well-researched keywords and phrases strategically placed throughout the text, without compromising readability or natural flow

Meta Title 

Meta title, also popularly known as a title tag is essential for search engine optimization. It is an HTML attribute that specifies the title of a webpage and appears as a clickable headline in the search engine. 

It plays an important role in attracting organic traffic to a website by accurately summarizing the content and enticing users to click on the link. Crafting an effective meta title involves incorporating relevant keywords and providing a concise yet compelling description of the page’s content.    

Page Speed 

These days nobody has the time or patience to wait a few minutes to open a website. As per the survey if a webpage takes more than 3 seconds to open the site then 53% of the mobile users will leave the site and move to another site. 

70% of the consumers mentioned that page speed also affects a person’s buying decision. Page speed affects the engagement and bounce rate of your webpage.  

Off-Page SEO 

Back Links

Backlinks are a crucial aspect of search engine optimization (SEO) and play a significant role in determining a website’s visibility and authority. A backlink, also known as an inbound link, is a hyperlink from one website to another. They serve as a vote of confidence, indicating that the linked website is trustworthy, reliable, and relevant.

Search engines like Google consider backlinks as a measure of a website’s popularity and importance. The more high-quality backlinks a website has, the higher its chances of ranking well in search engine results. Backlinks from authoritative and reputable websites carry more weight and have a greater positive impact on SEO.

Effective backlink strategies involve acquiring links from diverse sources, such as industry-related websites, blogs, online directories, and social media platforms. However, it’s important to focus on quality over quantity. A single backlink from a highly regarded website can be more valuable than numerous low-quality backlinks.

Building backlinks requires a combination of strategies, including creating valuable content that attracts organic links, reaching out to relevant websites for guest blogging opportunities, and leveraging social media to promote content and gain exposure.

While backlinks are crucial for SEO, it’s important to note that search engines have become increasingly sophisticated in assessing link quality. They prioritize natural, organic links and penalize manipulative practices such as buying or spamming backlinks.

Social Media 

Social media has revolutionized the way we connect, communicate, and share information in the digital age. It has become an integral part of our daily lives, with billions of people around the world actively engaging on various platforms. Social media offers numerous benefits, including instant access to news, connecting with friends and family, and fostering global communities.

One of the significant advantages of social media is its ability to break down geographical barriers. It allows individuals from different corners of the world to interact and share experiences effortlessly. Whether it’s through text, images, or videos, social media platforms provide a space for diverse perspectives and voices to be heard.

Moreover, social media has become a powerful tool for raising awareness and promoting social causes. Activists, non-profit organizations, and individuals can leverage these platforms to spread messages, rally support, and drive positive change. From fundraising campaigns to raising awareness about environmental issues, social media has proven to be a catalyst for mobilization and activism.

However, social media also poses challenges. The constant exposure to curated lives and the pressure to gain likes and followers can lead to feelings of inadequacy and self-comparison. The dissemination of misinformation and the spread of hate speech are other concerning aspects that require active moderation and user vigilance.


This is the ultimate SEO guide for 2023. Here we discussed various things like what is SEO and what strategies marketers implement to get organic traffic, and many more things so read this blog till the end.  

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