Meta is Looking to Pitch the Next Iteration of Its Ray Ban Glasses - Digital Ratha
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Meta is Looking to Pitch the Next Iteration of Its Ray Ban Glasses

Meta is Looking to Pitch the Next Iteration of Its Ray Ban Glasses

Explain the next iteration of its Ray Ban Glasses getting pitched by Meta?  

Meta will pitch to live-streamers with the next iteration of its Ray-Ban Stories glasses. It is based on the latest leaks of new features set to be added to the device.

According to a new report from Lowpass, the next version of Meta’s camera-equipped glasses will enable the wearer to stream video directly to Facebook and Instagram.

It will also include functionality to let viewers speak to you as you stream.

How will live streamers communicate with the audience via Ray Ban Glasses?

According to Lowpass, live streamers can directly communicate with their audience. The glasses will be relaying comments via audio over the built-in headphones.

Meta has, in the past, leaned on Instagram influencers to promote Ray-Ban Stories. This new feature could be a pretty big draw for the crowd.

Indeed, several streamers now wander the streets with their phone on a hand-held appliance and comments coming through a device speaker.

What more streamers are incentivized to interact with comments?

Streamers are incentivized to interact with comments because users can donate money to read their words through an automated voice. It increases the likelihood of a reply.

However, this can be problematic in public situations because viewers can pay to have outlandish and offensive remarks read aloud often.

But if streamers could maintain that interaction, and its related revenue stream, via a private speaker while still being able to interact with the world around them, then it could be a big lure for streaming stars.

Now, more people are seeking to become streamers due to following the lead of their favorite web celebrities, who are amassing large gatherings and followers and generating real income via their live broadcasts.

Youngsters growing up consuming this content will increasingly want to try it out. It could make this an essential application for Meta’s smart glasses if it can enable such processes.

What more Ray Ban Stories can enable users to do?

It seems possible. The current version of Ray-Ban Stories enables users to capture video and listen to music or answer calls via the device, so expanding it to streaming seems logical.

Technically, it will require significant development for more advanced requirements of the constant video. Still, it could be the thing that shifts a lot more units and drives ongoing usage. It has been a significant failure of the first version of the device.

What does the recent report about Ray Ban’s stories suggest?

Recent reports suggest that over 90% of the first wave of Ray Ban Stories users have since stopped using them, while overall sales have been significantly lower than Meta had expected.

The device is the precursor to Meta’s full-feed AR glasses. It is still in development, with Meta looking to establish a production pipeline that will eventually expand into the next stage.

But Ray Ban Stories could have expanded use, and this new application, for direct streaming. It could be a significant pathway if Meta can get it right.

Meta is also working on improved privacy tools and adaptive volume elements to improve the audio experience.

What future will these new updates on Ray-Ban glasses provide?  

The updates might not make the next stage of camera-equipped glasses a must-have for the majority. Simplified content creation via direct broadcast streaming and private comments will be a valuable pathway to increased adoption.

Do you want to know more?

Click here to learn more about the new updates on Meta and other social media platforms.

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