Google RSS Feed Guideline Update and Image SEO Update - Digital Ratha
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Google RSS Feed Guideline Update and Image SEO Update

Recently Google added new guidelines to improve image SEO and RSS feed. Now for a website <title> and <link> are the essential factors for google to clearly understand the context of your blog. 

RSS Feed Flow

Recently Google add new lines in the feed guideline section. They mentioned that for the RSS feed feature most important parts are <title> elements and item <link> elements. Make sure to add these links in the features RSS feed.  

Google Image Best Practice Update 

Google updated new guidelines on the image SEO page. They mentioned that if you use semantic HTML markup then it will be easier for the Spiderbot to find and process the image. Google parses the HTML <img> elements when they are enclosed in other elements.

For example <img src=”cat.jpg” alt=”A turkish angora cat” />.  



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