Google Investigating Reports on Declining Traffic After the November Core Update - Digital Ratha
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Google Investigating Reports on Declining Traffic After the November Core Update

Google Investigating Reports on Declining Traffic After the November Core Update

After the Google Core update Google search console mentioned that some websites may experience an increase and decrease in traffic. 

However after the latest update, a bug was discovered, and that was fixed. Recently publishers noticed a sudden decrease in traffic and visibility on the search engine result page. 

Some reports from various sources confirm that this new update led to some serious consequences. Many sites experience a reduction in traffic for example a site that is getting millions of visitors every month is now getting zero traffic. 

Lily Ray shared some Google Analytics reports that confirmed many publishers witnessing the decrease in traffic. It doesn’t mean your visibility is reduced. It also affects stories, across Google content delivery platforms.   

Google Investigating Reports on Declining Traffic After the November Core Update

Website owners are getting sentiment and frustrated because of years of hard work disappearing. 

After seeing growing concern Google SearchLiasion tweeted and mentioned we had a discovered bug earlier that was corrected. There are chances that there might be another bug and they will find a way to clear it but the problem is they can’t guarantee that the site return to past level. 

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